
Monthly Subscription


Our subscription boxes are temporarily on hold as we welcome a new baby into our lives. We will reopen our subscriptions in April.

A box of cookies, every single month, delivered right to your door! Choose from our seasonal flavours to receive your own customized box of cookies once a month. After you get your first box, you can always change the cookie flavours for your next one!

Your subscription will automatically renew on the 1st of each month, but you can skip a month or cancel at any time.

Current Cookie Flavours:
Chocolate Covered Strawberry: Our decadent chocolate cookie filled with sweet candied strawberries.
Cranberry Orange White Chocolate: Our orange cookie with dried cranberries and white chocolate chips.
Ginger Molasses Sandwich: Our soft ginger molasses cookie, rolled in sugar, and sandwiched together with soft buttercream.
2 Chip: Our classic chocolate chip filled with both milk and semi-sweet chocolate.

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